Valentine Bubbles…

Yes we are the products of valentine season
Most likely conceived on the actual day
That demonstrates our uniqueness
Our insatiable desire for love
We’re nicknamed the valentine bubbles.

What is with love when it cannot be quenched?
When it cannot be satisfied it feels drenched
In pain?
When every other day is a reflection of pain and drain?
When there is no gain
So is the saying really true that no gain without pain
Why aren’t they paying?
Is it because we’re called valentine bubbles?

Over time it’s bein a coincidence in my life
The month where many make a life
Is when they decided to conceptualize my life…
Another coincidence?
Or was it just to ensure that I join…
The group that is called the valentine bubble?

Started it on my birthday and four years later it ended.
The life’s test descended
And free and singing Barlow Girls’ On my Own
A life indeed of coincidences
Never before had I celebrated my birthday or owned it
But when I thought I could on it deliberate
She died on the very day.
Rest in Peace.
A missed Valentine Bubble

And the one who started it all in us
God Bless you Bro
You have shown me how to grow and blow loud
Also a valentine bubble.

The only one I celebrated was coloured
By somebody I live to treasure.
You have a special place in my heart
You are my Pleasure.
Things may not always go well with you
With me
But you are a Jewel
Live to enjoy it.
The only thought of valentine bubble…..
And as I sing another Happy Birthday to me,
I may be the only one reading this and many to come
I blame no one
I am at peace because I am a valentine bubble.

Happy birthday to all
Valentine bubbles…